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Mini Mania
4:59 AM
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Soaring toward Chinatown along the East River waterfront, Corona leaves a blazing trail in his wake. At its peak in the 1950’s there were over 40 piers along this 2-mile stretch of waterfront; today there are fewer than 10.

Corona quickly approaches the Manhattan Bridge, one of the 3 great suspension bridges erected across the East River. There, standing at the scenic overlook, a small, crowd of spectators eyes you warily.

A platinum blond in hot pink points her trembling finger at you. "Oh my God,” she quivers, "That’s CORONA!”

"He must be heading toward Chinatown!” a scowling middle-aged man observes.

"Somebody should call the police!” a portly woman declares in an authorative tone.

Corona ignores their ignorant comments. No time for bigots! Corona is just about to change direction, when he spots a sandy-haired boy playing a dangerous game at the edge of the overlook!

The young boy has slipped through the guardrails. He stands with his back toward the East River, 20 feet below, gripping the bars. Then, he lets go. He falls backwards, but grabs them at the last moment to stop his fall. He repeats this again and again. With their attention diverted, the crowd fails to notice the child’s deadly game!

Corona turns to where the boy is playing. The boy, upon seeing Corona misses the railing and falls. Corona seeing that the boy is falling races to catch him. He drops his flame field around his torso and catches the boy.

"That mutant scumbag is trying to kill him!!!!” the crowd yells.

Corona flys under the bridge to the other side and places the boy on the ground gently. "There you go all safe and sound.”

Multiple voices ring out "Let go of him you creep! Give me my son! I'm calling the police!”

A man races forward and grabs his son. Corona takes to the sky heading towards Chinatown, but hears  someone in the crowd  "Hello, 911? This is an emergency. We just spotted CORONA!” Corona thinks to himself  "Great I rescue the boy from falling into the river and they call 911 on me. Like the cops have nothing better to do.”

As Corona pass over Chinatown’s center, the narrow streets that radiate from Chatham Square, at the intersection of Park Row, East Broadway, and St. James Place, you listen for fire horns blaring in the darkness. Heading Northward up Mott Street. Bags of trash lie in neat piles along the sidewalk next to bundled stacks of cardboard. The stench of fresh fish mingled with citrus fruit still lingers, long after the markets have closed.

Further up the block, an elderly Asian woman, with a white metal cart, sifts through a garbage bag. Her hand emerges from the bag, clutching a metal soda can with long bony fingers. A triumphant smile lingers on her round face as she stuffs her treasure into a half-filled plastic bag. She places the bag next to a beat up red purse in her cart. Slowly pushing her wired cart, she crosses Canal Street and continues up Mott.
Suddenly, a shrill cry pierces the night! It comes from somewhere behind Corona! A woman cries out in words that you don’t understand. Remembering the elderly woman, Corona loops around to check on her.

Seeing her in one of the alleys crouched on all fours. Three white teenage boys and a chubby white girl surround and take turns kicking her. The white girl, with freckles and cropped black hair, clutching the old lady’s beat up purse sneers: "You gooks like to sell us fake medicine, and toys with lead paint! Go back to your OWN country, chink!

Corona lands in the alley "Leave her alone!!”

One of the guys yells "Hey! It's that mutant freak Corona! He must be here to burn everything down!!”
"What do you care what WE do?! Leave us ALONE!” yells a female member.

"NO... You leave that woman alone...NOW!!!” Corona states in a voice of authority. They keep doing whatever they want to the old woman. Corona begins to move towards them with hands blazing with fire. "Back away from that woman now!” The thugs break for the fireescape at the rear of the alley. One of the girls takes her purse as she heads for the fire escape. Corona checks the old woman she is brused and bleeding from a gash in her forehead.

Suddenly from behind Corona "Yo Yo! You want to play with the Chinese, holmes?!"

Corona not paying attn to this new voice, concentrates on the fire ladder and heats up the rung causing her to drop the purse. Something in the air catches Corona off guard the smell of OZONE, and a crackling sound.

"Oh Crap!! Lightning!!” Corona thinks and ducks for cover just as a bolt shoots over him bearly missing him.

The girl grabs the purse up again and heads up the ladder to the roof.

From behind Corona the crackle of more lightning and a male voice shouting " Get out of here.” Corona flies to the rooftop yelling to the girl to drop the purse. Just as he lands on the roof an angry young black teen hovers on a circular flying platform. He looks like just another thug in a gang. "Just cause I belong to a GANG, don't mean I don't got a heart! Get the hell out a' here. Leave the Chinese ALONE!"

"Who are you and why are you after me? They were beating that old woman not me!!  Look for yourself they have her purse yet!!!” Corona states to the teen. Checking this teens weaponry Corona remembers the gloves as one of the SIXER weapons he fought with the help of Vanguard, Fleshclaw, and Black Knight.

"Yea? Well WHO is burnin' down Chinatown, DOG?!” the punk states as he charges up another blast and hits Corona in the chest.

Corona unleashes a jet of flame right into the platforms intake causing it to stall out. The teens face turns into one of panic. Corona races to catch him dropping his sheath around his arms.
 "What are you DOIN'? You tryin' to KILL me?!” the teen askes.

"Nothing you werent trying to do to me but I took out your equiptment... where did u get it?” the teen not answering Corona. "We can do this the easy way which is I set u back on the ground and u tell me what I want to know and hand over the gloves or the skys the limit get my drift??? your choice?”

"I ain't tellin' u nothin' mutie! You can KILL me for all I care. You ain't gettin' you're hands on those weapons, ya stinkin' TERRORIST!” the teen states with a cocky tone.

"OK THE HARD WAY IT IS!” as Corona begins to fly straight up.

The teen panics "All right, all right man... I'll TELL you what you want to know! Just don't DROP me! PLEASE!” Corona lands back on the rooftop, Calls for assistance for the old woman, and begins to question the teen about the weapons. He learns he is part of the Piranha gang. They meet on the second floor of the Video World Arcade and the gangs leader is Green Eyes. The teen hands over the lightning gloves reluctantly at Coronas demand. As EMS and the police arrive on scene Corona leaves

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