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Only months after rumors have connected Corona with the suspicious fires that  swept through New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, this paper has learned that there have been similar suspicious fires in Manhattan’s Chinatown neighborhood. Could there be a connection?

"At this time we’re certainly not dismissing any possibilities, a police officer told reporters when they asked whether they thought Corona could be responsible for the suspicious arsons…. Continued on page 2


Gaping at the second page of the Daily Bugle, Allan Lancaster almost chokes on his ham and Swiss on rye. It’s not just the charges against the "hero” Corona that bewilder him. This is also the second article that Allan has read where the Daily Bugle connects his own altenate identity, Vanguard, with Corona, "the mutant terrorist.”

Vanguard has allied with Corona only once in his vigilante "career”. He seemed stable at the time, but admittedly they barely knew each other. The Bugle, however, accuses both Corona and Vanguard of some kind of secret criminal conspiracy.

As Allan tears open his bagel chips, pondering these matters, a shadow appears from behind his bench. He recognizes the profile instantly: a pudgy little man, clutching a clipboard as if it were his most prized possession. His shift supervisor, Mr. Gold seems more like he should be micromanaging disgruntled pencil-pushers in an office rather than working a construction site. And if his father, Ted Gold, didn’t own the company, he probably would be.

Gene, a slightly overweight balding man in his mid-forties, hovers motionless behind Alan, blocking the sunlight from warming his back.

Allan swallows his food and then says "Anything I can do for you Mr. Gold?” not getting a reply from him he wipes his mouth and turns to face him "Yes?” he asks.

As Allan turns, Mr. Gold lowers his clipboard and studies his watch for a full 10 seconds, before he raises it up again and scowls.

Gino’s Deli, where Allan usually buys his lunch, had sold out on the Bugle and the closest newsstand was further than he thought. Now, considering the headlines, Allan wonders if the Bugle was worth all of the trouble.

Allan looks to his watch then states "Thanks for the reminder Mr. Gold, lost track of time enjoying my lunch." and begins to pack up.

"Lost TRACK? Have you also lost track of the fact that this project needs to be COMPLETED by the end of this week?!” Mr. Gold states angrily.

Allan nods "I know...heading back now sir.”

"Good. Because you're only paid for 1 hour. We have a schedule. So don't let it happen again!” Mr. Gold states. Alan finishes up packing and heads to his back to his crew area, while Mr. Gold walks away with a satisfied smirk on his face. He always enjoys having the last word, Alan thinks.

Once at the work area, Allan places lunchbox down and begins placing cement bags into wheel barrel, as he tries to focus his mind on work. But throughout the remainder of the day, questions about Corona continue to trouble him. Did he REALLY do it? Has he lost his mind? Maybe he was a tad wired, Allan thinks, but can he really be a PSYCHOTIC ARSONIST?!.

Have the New Orleans reports been fabricated, or are they legitimate? Is Corona really there during the hurricane, when suspicious fires blazed through the city? Is he RESPONSIBLE for those fires? Is he now burning up Chinatown too? Vanguard makes a mental note: Maybe I should add that neighborhood to my nightly patrol… just in case…


"I’m NOT a prisoner here.” as tears begin to form in her eyes. " And I DON’T need a BABYSITTER. I REFUSE to take a 'bodyguards' with me, everywhere I go,” She dabs at her eyes with her shirt sleeve, but it only smudges her mascara. The tears of her frustration continue to flow. Her body quakes. Kristens voice trembles. "Not anymore…” it had been building for months and felt good to finally release.

And I STILL don’t know WHY, George silently ponders. Because I suggested that she take a friend? Was she pissed that I didn’t offer to go with her? Is she hurt that I’d choose to investigate the Chinatown arsons as Corona, instead of going to the movies with HER?

"You really have no CLUE how I feel, do you, George?” Staring at him with her crystal blue eyes waiting for an answer she knows will not come then begins to weep again.

"I-I dont know what to say Kris. The professor asked us back here and-!” George stammers.

"I wasn't TALKING about THAT George!” Kristen hides her face in her hands in frustration.

"Ok. You’re right. I don’t know exactly how u feel. But I’m HERE with you now. And you and Johnny are the 2 most important people in my LIFE right now. So if I do not understand then tell me. PLEASE, Kris…” George states with a concerned tone in his voice.

Kristen shakes her head looking at George and says "You’re HERE with me? George, what is your POINT? Is that supposed to somehow make me feel magically safe? SAFE? When you won't even let me go out to the damn movies by myself?! Like I'm a PRISONER? I'm tired of this...”

"But all I asked was to take someone with you if you want to go off the mansion grounds.” George says.

"You really don't get it! It’s not about going to the movies… And it’s NOT  about your life as Corona. It’s about the SACRIFICE I make every day of my life. For YOU.” Kristens voice now hoarse wipies the tears from her eyes.
"You’re always quick to assure me that it will be over SOON. That one day we’ll all live happily ever after and not have to worry about MASKED KIDNAPPERS intruding on our lives. Do you really KNOW that, George? How CAN you? What have you done to assure it? Do you, after all this time, even know WHO ordered myself and our son to be dissected and analyzed like a couple of lab rats?
    I’m tired of living like a PRISONER, George, confined to this mansion. On guard twenty four, seven! Do you ever REALIZE how stressful that is? And for WHAT? So you can play the hero? So that you can save your family from an enemy that you still know NOTHING about?! Well, I don’t think I can do it anymore!” Kristen states with a fury in her voice. Raises her hands to her temples and begind to massage them.

George wants to reply but the words wont form. What could he say, that hes worried, hurt? The words elude him. Her words slice through his heart like a knife through warm butter. Maybe because she’s never said anything like this before. Or maybe because she has a valid point, George thinks. And what did she mean, that she didn’t think she could do this anymore?

But before George can muster any words, he hears a soft tapping on the door.
"Mrs. Little?” calls the gentle male voice on the opposite side. His southern drawl identifies him as Sam Guthrie, code-named, Cannonball. "Are you in there, ma’am?”

Kristen moves from her position " Please answer the door, George. I don’t want anyone to see me this way.” and goes into the bathroom and closes the door behind her.

"Sam, nice to see you. How can I help you?" asks George.

The blond, spikey-haired mutant cradles little Johnny in his arms, wrapped in the light blue and white blanket that Kristen knit when he was born. For the first time George realizes that the room had been unusually quiet. In the chaos of the argument, he didn’t notice that the infant was missing from his crib!

The baby boy gurgles with glee when he sees his daddy.

Oh, hello, Mr. Little, sir, Ah didn’t expect YOU to be here!” Realizing he said the wrong thing quickly stammers  "Oh. Ah didn’t mean… uh… Ah mean, uh… Ah just thought you’d be in the War Room like everyone else!”

That’s odd, George thinks. Whenever Professor X calls a mission briefing in the war room, he always sends out a psionic message. But this time he didn’t get any.

"OH… Thanks Sam Ill take lil Jonny” He opens the door wider to take his son from Sam. "Heeere’s JOHNNY.” George says comedically as he knocks on the bathrom door.

George tickles the baby to make him laugh. Baby Jon giggles and coos, but Kristen doesn’t respond at all.

George silently berates himself. Ok, so it’s official now: I’m really AM a jerk. Now, when she’s feeling like crap is NOT a great time for my dumb jokes. I just REALLY wish I could somehow lighten her MOOD- Something to bring her back to-

Sam still standing in the hall begins"Ah.. uh excuse me, Mr. Little, can you do me a favor, sir?”

"Oh… yea. Sorry Sam…what’s up?”

"Um.. could you please pass the message to Mrs. Little that I'm really sorry about that! Just with the meeting, ah won't be able to watch him. Ah'm real sorry about that, sir.”

"Oh thats ok. She’ll understand.” George walks to the bed ans sits down and begins playing with Jon.

Kristen appears from the bathroom her face washed clean of makeup and tears. "Hi Sam. Is everything all right?” She walks to George reaching for Jon.

"Here’s mommy!” Geroge states and hands him to his wife.

Jonny giggles and coos as she reaches for him and gently takes him from George. For the first time since the argument, Kristen smiles sweetly as she gazes into little John’s eyes, the same blue eyes as his mommy. To see her now, gazing at him so lovingly, gives George hope that everything will be ok, after all.

"Hello Miss Little. Ah was just tellin’ Mr. Little that ah won’t be able to babysit like I promised. I’m really sorry about that. But there’s a BRIEFIN’ in the WAR ROOM. It sounded real important, probably a MISSION.” Sam says.

"Oh, it’s alright, Sam” There is no hint of disappointment in her voice, as she continues to avoid eye contact with George. "My plans changed too. It looks like I won’t be going out anyway.”

"Ah’m really sorry about that Mrs. Little.”

t’s ok, Sam. No need to keep apologizing. Really!

Sam returns the smile, not knowing what else to say. The awkward silence that follows lasts only a few seconds, though it seems more like a full minute.

As Kristen glances toward George, her smile lingers just a few seconds before it fades again. She addresses him now in a soft tone.

"George…. I- I didn’t realize that you had a meeting. You hadn’t mentioned...” Bowing her head to Jon
Anyway, I don’t want for either of you to get in trouble with the Professor X. He’s been very kind to invite us back and allow us to stay here while we work through our family’s difficulties.”

I’m sorry, Kris. I didn’t even know, myself. Sam just TOLD me. I have to go to this. He leans in and kisses Jonny on the forehead, and Kristen on the cheek. He whispers to her: "I’ll be back A.S.A.P. I really DO want to work this out with you Kris. OK?”

Sam watches them awkwardly. "Uh.. did ah interrupt somethin'?

"Family moment, Sam.” George replys bluntly. "I'll be there soon.”

Sam exits quickly, closing the door behind him.

Kristen  lowers her head. "It's ok, George. I don’t want you to be late. You can go now.”

"Kris, I just want to say that you two are more important to me than ANYTHING. You know that?”  Reaching  for her cheek, but she draws away.

"I think I'm just tired. You know… I'll be fine.”

"I know your tired of being penned up in here, but ill make it up to you, soon-”

 "Yea. Just like we won't be in hiding… SOON”.

"I’m only thinking about your SAFETY! That’s ALL!”

"George, I really don't want to discuss this anymore. Professor X is waiting. Besides, we never get anywhere anyway and… I'm exasperated.”

"I’m sorry, Kris… You’re right. I’ll be back later. We can discuss it then.”

Kris turns he back to him "I'll see you tonight, then.”

Reaching for her shoulder "I love you.”

Again, she pulls away. "Yea. Ok.”

With that, she goes into the bathroom with little Jon and shuts the door. George can still hear the baby’s gentle coos from behind the closed door.

Damn it, what do I do? George wonders silently. I’m trying to keep her and Jonny SAFE but she’s not HAPPY…


Corona marches into the War Room, a huge chamber that contains a ring of swivel chairs flanked by various monitors, arrayed around a huge central holographic display unit. Normally, it can seat the entire X-Men roster, along with Professor X and whatever allies, super powered or otherwise, might be in residence at the mansion at any given time. A mere fraction of those chairs are now occupied by Professor X and the small group of X-Men who are currently available.

Professor X taps a computer mouse, which causes a holographic display in the center of their circle to awaken. Within it forms a green-skinned creature with the head, wings, and tail of a pteranodon, but a body somewhat like that of a human. Even in simulation, his eyes seemed to bore right through whatever he gazes at. It’s Sauron!

The Professor stops mid sentence to address Corona "George? Can I help you with something?”

"I heard there was a mission briefing and… I thought that meant everyone?” From the way his tone is he wasnt expecting me to come, he thinks.

He glances at Cannonball, who immediately blushes. "Oh... I see...I think there's been a misunderstanding. Excuse me for a moment, X-Men. George, may I have a word with you in the hall?
Ok, now I KNOW something is up, Corona tells himself. And whatever it is, it probably isn’t GOOD. He walks from the war room into the adjoining walks hallway. The professor wheeling out behind him.

Corona the first one to speak, "Professor whats going on?

He studies Corona with his icy blue eyes, contemplating his word choice, before he opens his mouth to speak. "I think there's been a miscommunication. I was hoping to explain the CONDITIONS of your return the mansion, but certainly not under these circumstances.”

"George. I asked you to come back to the mansion so that you could continue to avail your family of our PROTECTION. And also to continue your training sessions in the Danger Room-”

"And I appreciate that Professor. But Kris, she’s going crazy in here! She feels like she’s a prisoner!”

"But what has that to do with ME? I’ve NEVER restricted your movements here, either on the grounds or OFF. You can BOTH come and go freely.”

 Corona rambles more to himself than Professor X. "All I asked of Kris was to take someone with her when she leaves the grounds and she’s really upset about that! I’m just thinking of her SAFETY, since we couldn’t LOCATE her with CEREBRO if anything should happen again and-”

Professor X. raises his eyebrow, and interrupts George abruptly. "George, I don't have time for a discussion on your personal family life. I am about to give a briefing. What I’m trying to explain is that that the invitation to return to the mansion did not extend to being an X-Man again. I'm sorry.”

It hits him like a blow to the stomach, and suddenly Corona is winded, with no more to say. "I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you. I’ll go back to my room. I’ve got a few things to straighten out with my family.”

"Very well.” states the Professor.

Both Corona and Professor X turn and leave. Professor X goes back into the war room, While Corona heads back to his bedroom.

Corona stands outside the door. The room is silent.

Maybe they’re are sleeping, he tells himself. But he quietly opens the door, and quickly discovers that  Kristen is not there. With that, he checks the crib. Little Jonny isn’t there either!

He searches for a note. He checks all the obvious locations, the mirror, dresser, the bed. Nothing! Where did Kris go? he wonders. Should I check the GARAGE? Was she so desperate to leave that she would have taken one of the VEHICLES?

Corona becomes alarmed at that thought. And then he notices something peculiar. The evening newspaper that Kristen usually saves for her nightly reading has been carefully folded and placed in the small trash can.

Corona retrieves and unfolds it. The headline reads: "Hot Times in Chinatown: Corona listed as Prime Suspect in Suspicious Fires!” The article accuses Corona of being a mutant terrorist. It accuses him of setting a string of suspicious fires. It sites an "unnamed police source” throughout the article. Yea, right; real authentic! Corona thinks.

All the media’s speculations have been like tiny explosions that, left unchecked, seemed to finally erupt into a major inferno. And now Corona is public enemy number one!
As he reads the article from start to finish, he can feel his body temperature rise. His blood seems to be boiling hot. As a mutant whose main power is to project heat and flame, it probably is!

Enraged he begins to speak outlout to himself. "Well, that really does it! Today was a really crappy day! Not like yesterday! Yesterday, when we moved back into the mansion, everything seemed PERFECT! I was happy, Kristen seemed happy, and even the baby seemed chipper than normal! But no, not today! It started when Kristen lashed out. But doesn’t she understand that I was only trying to protect her?! I just didn’t want her to leave the mansion alone. I just didn’t want something BAD to happen to her again! But her blunt response, well that really HURT.  And then there’s the Professor. Sometimes HIS behavior leaves me COMPLETELY baffled! Like the way he invited us back into the mansion. When he did that he never TOLD ME that he didn’t want me as an X-Man any more! Why didn’t he tell me this before that AWKWARD moment in the War Room?! Why did he wait so LONG?!
And now, on top of everything else, this! A headline that accuses ME of being a psychotic arsonist! Well, that’s the last straw! I’m TIRED of being a SCAPEGOAT! And I’m DONE with blamed for crimes that I NEVER committed!

A new thought occurs, and panic sets in as Corona’s imagination runs amok! "DAMN it! Did Kristen LEAVE because of media pressure? But she KNOWS that I’m not responsible for those fires! I HAVE to find her!”

He races down the hallway, silently listing all of the places that she might have gone. Sometime, Corona reminds himself, she likes to visit the gardens when she gets stressed. Maybe she took Jon there! He runs from the mansion, and toward the outdoor gardens, hoping that Kristen is still safe on mansion grounds.

His fears finally subside, only upon reaching the gardens where he finds her playing with John. Corona approaches cautiously, so as not to startle her.)

Upon seeing her husband, Kristens expression turns to one of pure rage. "WHAT? You’re SPYING on me now?! LEAVE us ALONE!”

"Kristen NO.. I’m NOT SPYING. I just… I came here to tell you that the Professor told me that I’m not needed at this meeting.. I just thought we could spend the night TOGETHER, and-”

"GO! We just want to be left in PEACE. Can’t you even respect THAT?”

"If that’s what you want, then I will. But know THIS. Everything I have done was to protect you and Johnny.”

Her anger explodes at his last remark. "You’ve done NOTHING, George. NOTHING you’ve done has helped us to be SAFE. Unless you consider "safe” to be keeping me and Jon under constant 24 hour surveillance! What ELSE have you done.”

Taken aback, he’s not sure how to reply. What happened to the shy, sweet woman that he married? He bows his head. "Kris, I know it’s hard, and I’m SORRY. But We are together as a family. And I HAVE been searching for the people that-”


Corona stands shocked at the depth of her rage. Never before has he seen her this angry. And still he’s unsure of what triggered it all. It’s a level of anger that seems out of character for her. She’s NEVER acted this way before. Has the stress of their situation of being in hiding really driven her to this? Or maybe, she’s repressed her anger at their situation for YEARS, and only now letting it come to surface. Finally, realizing that he can say nothing more without upsetting her further, he turns, and slowly walks away.
Corona finds himself in the kitchen, pours himself a juice brooding. He tries to focus his mind on the Chinatown situation, if only to get his mind off his family problems. Maybe it’s time to get PROACTIVE, he thinks. I KNOW I’m not making those fires! I’ll check out Chinatown, as Corona. Maybe despite all of my other problems, I can at LEAST get to the bottom of things there. MAYBE even clear my NAME! 

He rips a piece of paper from a notepad, and scribbles a message to his wife: "Went to Chinatown to investigate fires. Be back later. Love, G.” He heads back up to his second floor bedroom, to place the note.


Allan suits up as VANGAURD. Sneaks out the fire escape to the roof, then sets to swing leap his way to Chinatown.

New York, the city that never sleeps… When blackness spreads across the night-time sky, street lamps, car lights, and neon signs of every color illuminate the city streets.

But in the shadows, rats emerge from their crevices. They cavort. They play. They forage for food from an abundance of trash bags left on the sidewalks. Some people think that there are more rats than humans in this city. Some are afraid of them.

But Vanguard, swinging high above the city streets on his monofilament swingline, is more concerned about vermin of the HUMAN variety. Thieves, rapists, drug traffickers; they too hide in dark corners, waiting to pounce on yet another innocent victim.

Vanguard has made it his mission is to hunt these beasts that infest Manhattan. And tonight, he adds a serial arsonist to his list…

As Vanguard swings around a corner he hears "Open up or I”ll shoot!”

On the street below he sees 2 men have stopped a car in the middle of an intersection. Both have pistols pointed at the driver one on each side of the car.

Vanguard smirks and comments to himself "Always on the job" as he pivots and swings off the top of the roof and lands on the man at the drivers door with a thud knocking him down. "Good evening gents, hows it hanging?”
The man on the passanger side just stares at him in confusion. Vanguard seizing the moment vaults the car and slams the man in the face with his staff, snapping his nose, knocking him out cold.

At that moment the driver seeing the light turn green throttles the car ans speeds away without even a "Thanks.”

Vangaurd stands over the unconsious man,  turns and waves to the speeding car "Have a good night.” then picks up the guns and puts them in a nearby trash can. He then locates the nearest pay phone and calls 911. Stating quickly "Attempted armed car theft, crook subdued at this junction. Good night.” then takes to the rooftops towards Chinatown.

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